
Coming soon: GME's new website

GME announces that, as of 2 MAY 2024, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Italian Electricity Market its website will have a new look and feel.

On the NEW WEBSITE, GME has improved its information dissemination capability, enhancing the value of its identity and mission, and offering an intuitive and interactive navigation experience, while ensuring communication reliability in line with its standards.

Right from the Home Page, the most significant data of each market will be more readily identifiable and, by relying on the new horizontal scrolling feature for graphs and tables, users will be able to track the evolution of data over time, downloading it in their preferred format.

Multilevel navigation will enable users to drill down into the various topics, immediately retrieving the document or information that they are seeking.

GME’s legacy website will remain searchable and navigable as usual until 31 December 2024.

Here is a preview of GME’S NEW WEBSITE

Gas Release Platform (PGR) – Publication of the PGR Rules and opening of applications for participation in the PGR

GME informs interested parties that it has introduced the Platform for the management of gas release allocation procedures (PGR), pursuant to art. 16, para. 8 of Law Decree no. 17 of 1 Mar. 2022 (as amended and converted into Law no. 34 of 27 Apr. 2022), as replaced by art. 2, para. 1 of Law Decree no. 181 of 9 Dec. 2023 (converted into Law 2 February 2024 no 11), hereafter Decree.

In particular, through one or more allocation procedures managed by GME on the PGR, Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (hereafter GSE) will be required to offer gas volumes on a priority basis to gas-intensive industrial final customers (including those acting in aggregated form), as defined in art. 16, para. 8 c) of the Decree, or to the remaining parties other than the former ones. The gas volumes are those made available by holders of existing gas production concessions, or parties requesting new concessions, participating in the long-term domestic gas procurement procedures held by GSE under art. 16, para. 1 of the Decree.

As of today, with the publication on GME’s website, the Rules governing the Platform for the management of gas release allocation procedures (GAS RELEASE PLATFORM – PGR), i.e. the provisions regarding participation in and operation of the PGR, and the related Technical Rules, i.e. the implementing and procedural provisions of the PGR Rules, will enter into force.

Thus, as of today, all parties fulfilling the requirements referred to in the Decree and wishing to participate in the PGR may submit their applications to GME (as indicated in Technical Rule no. 01), so as to complete in due course the formalities needed for participation in the allocation procedure.

GME will subsequently announce the date on which it will hold a preliminary public test session before the start of the first allocation procedure.

Approval of the Market Rules for Certificates of Release to Consumption of Biofuels

GME informs market participants that, today, the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (with a Decree issued by the Director-General of its Directorate-General for Competitiveness and Energy Efficiency – CEE) has approved the urgent amendments to the Market Rules for Certificates of Release to Consumption of Biofuels (MCIC Rules). The amended MCIC Rules, prepared by GME pursuant to article 3, para. 3.6 of the same Rules, have been in full force and effect since 1 February 2024, i.e. the date of their publication on GME’s website.

Urgent amendments to the MGAS Rules: elimination of provisions concerning bids/offers without a price limit

Gestore dei mercati energetici S.p.A. (GME) informs Market Participants that urgent amendments have been made to the MGAS Rules with a view to safeguarding the proper operation of the market. In particular, GME has eliminated bids/offers without a price limit, providing at the same time that such bids/offers may be submitted only when this option is specifically referred to in the related Technical Rules.

The updated version of the MGAS Rules, amended as indicated above, shall enter into force as of 30th January, 2024, with its publication on GME website, pursuant to article 3, para. 3.6 of the same Rules.

The updated version of the MGAS Rules shall fully replace the previous version published on GME website.

Amendments to the Rules of Operation of the MCIC and to Technical Rules nos. 3 and 5: introduction of additional types of CICs

GME informs Market Participants that, as of today, with the publication on its website, the amendments to the “Rules of Operation of the Market of certificates of release to consumption of biofuels” (MCIC Rules), have entered into force. The MCIC Rules have been revised pursuant to article 3, para. 3.6 of the same Rules in order to implement the provisions laid down in Decree no. 107, adopted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security on 16 March 2023.

The purpose of the amendments is to enable the trading, within the MCIC, of the additional types of Certificates of Release to Consumption (CICs) introduced by the above-mentioned Decree.

With the aim of managing these additional types of CICs, the updated versions of Technical Rules MCIC nos. 3 and 5, i.e. the implementing and procedural provisions of the MCIC Rules, have also entered into force as of today. These updated versions of the Technical Rules fully replace the previous versions published on GME’s website.

Now online: issue no. 177 of GME's Newsletter


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