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GME APP is the first application of Gestore dei Mercati Energetici for mobile devices.

A new smart tool, that makes available the most relevant daily data, prices and volumes, of Electricity, GAS and Environmental Markets everyday on your smartphone.

Using GME APP you can get access to the most relevant and fundamental data, by user friendly and dynamic tool like interactive charts and tables. Information provided have been summarised and aggregated so as to ensure its uniformly diffusion and maximum transparency, to the wide audience of users, operators, stakeholders and expert whom, have shown interest in GME data.

GME APP is free and doesn’t need any registration/authentication. The first release, will be focused on the following markets:

Electricity Market: MGP + MI
Gas Market: MGP + MI + MGS
Environmental Market: MTEE + MGO

Watch this short video for a demonstration of GME APP features.


Screen of a smartphone showing the GME app in the electricity markets section with a map of ItalySmartphone screen showing the GME app in the electricity markets section with a graph of hourly prices


Download for free GME APP on Google Play and Apple Store and keep updated on prices and volumes of the Electricity, GAS and Environmental Markets.


For any information and suggestions, please contact us at:

Constant monitoring of the markets

Download the GME APP

Icon to download GME app from Google Play Icon to download GME app from Apple Store
Smartphone showing the GME Electricity Markets page on the display