GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Environment - Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE)

How to Participate

All interested parties can register in the Register by filling in the dedicated form following the procedure mentioned in the TEE Register User Guide. At the end of this procedure, the applicant can view and print the application for registration in the TEE Register. This application must be completed with the place, date and signature of the legal representative and sent, or submitted, to GME by ordinary mail or courier or certified e-mail, together with the facsimile of the declaration of powers of representation, provided according to Presidential Decree n. 445/00.

In case of registration of a natural/legal person that does not have a VAT number, the registration application must be accompanied by the “Declaration of exemption from liability” that can be downloaded at the end of the registration or in the "Forms" section of the TEE Register.

GME, having received the registration application in the TEE Register, verifies the correctness of the data and sends a letter, confirming the registration in the Register to the "communication contact person" indicated in the application.
Each operator registered in the Register is assigned and activated an ownership account, where the TEE number owned by each operator is registered.

The relevant indications for the operations of subjects registered in the TEE Register are available at the following links:
Information on how to operate
Information on Fees and Settlement

Constant monitoring of the markets

Download the GME APP

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Smartphone showing the GME Electricity Markets page on the display