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Mineral-oil logistics platform

Consultations: Ordinary Amendments - Mineral-oil logistics platform

This consultation document contains, respectively, the proposed Rules of the Mineral-Oil Logistics Platform (P-LOGISTICS) as set forth in Art. 21, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 249 dated December 31, 2012 (Legislative Decree no. 249/2012) and the Platform for exchange of liquid petroleum products for transport (P-OIL) ) as set forth in Art. 22, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 249/2012.

This consultative process is initiated by GME in implementation of the provisions referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, of Ministerial Decree no. 16618 on the establishment of the Mineral-Oil Logistics Platform and in Article 3, paragraph 1, of Ministerial Decree no. 18817 on the establishment of the Fuels Platform, implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development, under the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 249/2012, and containing general principles that Gestore dei mercati energetici S.p.A. (GME) must follow while preparing proposals for the operation rules of the P-LOGISTICS and P-OIL.

Together with the aforementioned proposals for rules, GME allows stakeholder consulting the Form for the data collection on monthly capacity of storage and transit of mineral oils, whose approval will be done by the Minister of Economic Development, pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 249/2012, with the same decree approving the rules of operation of the P-LOGISTICS.

GME is organizing in Rome on September 14 at “Sala Anfiteatro”, Auditorium Via Veneto (Via Veneto, 89), a meeting addressed to the participants concerned aimed at showing the contents of the DCO in question.

Participation is free and requires registration by filling out the online form.

During the consultation period, which will end on September 30, the participants concerned will be able to test, through blank tests, the features of the P-LOGISTICS that will be shown during the meeting. These blank tests will be carried out starting from Tuesday, September 15 until Thursday, September 30, from 10 am to 3 pm. The platform for the conduct of the tests will be reached at the following address: from September 1.

P-LOGISTICS platform for tests has already been automatically open to all users of the PDC-OIL platform and, therefore, these users will participate in the tests without having to make any additional registration.
New registrations for participation in the blank tests, however, can be requested by completing the form available at the following address:

Any changes relating to the conduct of the tests will be promptly notified.

For any support and/or assistance on the tests and/or to request the validation of registration requests sent, it is available the following email:

For any support and/or assistance on the IT issues related to the operation of the platform and to report any problems or failures, GMS made available the e-mail

Please note that IT development of the Platform for exchange of liquid petroleum products for transport (P-OIL) is currently underway.

Those wishing to safeguard the confidentiality or secrecy, in whole or in part, of the documents sent are required to indicate which parts of their documents shall be treated as confidential.

Download DCO 3/2015

P-LOGISTICS: Entry into force of the Rules and blank tests

By means of this notice, GME would like to inform that with the publication in the Official Gazette of Ministerial Decree of 5 July 2017 (Decree), the Rules of operation of the P-LOGISTICS have come into force, available on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development  and at the end of this notice. The Rules will be effective from the date that will be identified and notified by GME pursuant to Art. 3 of the same Decree.

In accordance with the provisions of art. 3, para. 3, of the aforementioned Decree, GME also makes available, for mere information purposes, the Operation Manual of the P-LOGISTICS, which contains the implementing and procedural rules of the P-LOGISTICS Rules, in order to provide interested parties with an adequate learning period of the provisions regulating the operation of the new platform.

Further  GME informs that  in view of the operational start-up of this platform, with the purpose of enabling interested parties to test the related functionality, it is available a platform for the blank tests that may be carried out in accordance with the procedures and timing indicated below

How to access the P-LOGISTICS test platform

Parties wishing to participate in the P-LOGISTICS’ blank tests shall fill in the following on line form to access credentials for the test platform. Such a request may be submitted from today's date.

Parties already qualified for the PDC-OIL can use the same access credentials currently active on the PDC-OIL, even for the P-LOGISTICS test environment.

Days and times of tests

Blank tests will take place every working day between 4 September 2017 and 19 September 2017, during the following time zone from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on the test platform accessible at

Please note that the operations carried out during the blank tests are not binding and do not give rise to any obligation.

P-Logistics Rules

Operation Manual

GME contact
For any communication or report, please contact:

Pubblication date: 07/08/2017 Completed


This consultation document that GME has prepared is a first survey on the creation of the mineral-oil logistics platform. The document is chiefly aimed at gathering comments and inputs from interested parties about the possible models of organisation and operation of the above-mentioned platform.

Interested parties should send in their comments in writing to GME - “Legale e Regolazione” (Legal & Regulatory Office) – by 6 June 2013 at the latest (end date of the consultation) in one of the following ways:

  • by e-mail to: 
  • by fax to:   +39-06-80124524
  • by mail to:  Gestore dei mercati energetici S.p.A.  
    Largo Giuseppe Tartini, 3-4  
    00198 – Rome - Italy
If you want us to keep all or part of your documents confidential, please specify which parts of your documents are to be kept confidential.

Download DCO 2/2014

Pubblication date: 09/05/2014 Completed

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