GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Electricity Market

Technical Rules PCE

01 rev1

access to the Information System


communications between GME and Participants under emergency conditions

03 rev5

Registration of transactions and schedules

04 rev5

Validation and technical adequacy verifications and guarantee coverage


merit order of requests for recording schedules

06 rev16

Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

07 rev1

criteria for determining the estimated transmission capacity fee (CCT)


default interest and penalty


guarantees towards Terna

10 rev6

Submission and return of guarantees

11 rev3

Loss of qualifications or failure to fulfil guarantee obligations by the bank issuing the financial guarantee

Repealed Technical Rules

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access to the Information System

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recording of transactions and schedules

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03 rev1
recording of transactions and schedules

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03 rev2
recording of transactions and schedules

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03 rev3
Registration of transactions and schedules

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03 rev4
Registration of transactions and schedules

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validation and technical adequacy verifications

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04 rev1
validation and technical adequacy verifications

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04 rev2
Validation and technical adequacy verifications and Guarantee Coverage

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04 rev3
Validation and technical adequacy verifications and Guarantee Coverage

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04 rev4
Validation and technical adequacy verifications and guarantee coverage

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time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev1
time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev10
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev11
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev12
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev13
time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev14
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev15
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev2
time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev3
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev4
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev5
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev6
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev7
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev8
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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06 rev9
Time periods and procedure for invoicing and settlement of payments

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criteria for determining the estimated transmission capacity fee (CCT)

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utilisation of the integrated financial guarantee

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10 rev1
Allocation of guarantees

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10 rev2
Allocation of guarantees

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10 rev3
Allocation of guarantees

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10 rev4
Allocation of guarantees

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10 rev5
Allocation of guarantees

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loss of qualifications or failure to fulfil guarantee obligations by the bank issuing the financial guarantee

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11 rev1
Loss of qualifications or failure to fulfil guarantee obligations by the bank issuing the financial guarantee

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11 rev2
Loss of qualifications or failure to fulfil guarantee obligations by the bank issuing the financial guarantee

Constant monitoring of the markets

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