GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Electricity Market


The PPA BULLETIN BOARD is managed through an IT system that participants can access through Internet. Access to PPA BULLETIN BOARD information system takes place through a personal identification system of users-operators implemented by means of user IDs and passwords issued by GME, as well as by means of a temporary access code.

The operations of publishing and displaying notices, the related expressions of interest in the PPA BULLETIN BOARD Notices section, and registering contracts in the PPA BULLETIN BOARD Contract Registration section can be done on a continuous basis throughout the year.

The sessions of the Energy Release section of the PPA BULLETIN BOARD shall be held on working days following the related request for activation of the allocation process by the Gestore dei servizi energetici - GSE S.p.A., made known by GME to operators through the IT system of the PPA Bulletin Board. For each session, on a regular basis and for guidance only:
- the period for submission of offers shall open at 09:00 on the day on which the allocation procedure takes place and shall close at 15:00 on the same day;
- the results will be defined and communicated to the operators involved in the allocation procedure within the operator's access section of the PPA Bulletin Board by 15:00 on the working day after the day on which the procedure was carried out.

For the actual timing of the activities related to each session that takes place on the Energy Release section, please refer to the information that GME publishes through specific notice on the IT system of the PPA BULLETIN BOARD.

How to access the PPA BULLETTIN BOARD

How to operate in the PPA BULLETTIN BOARD

The operating procedures for access and use of the PPA BULLETIN BOARD are included in the Technical Rules.

For participation in electricity allocation procedures on the Energy Release Section of the PPA Bulletin Board, operators must provide GME, no later than the second working day before the opening day of the procedure for the submission of offers, with Financial guarantees as non-interest-bearing cash deposits to be paid by SEPA Credit Transfer with Priority or equivalent procedures from the current account with bank details communicated in advance through the appropriate template, in accordance with the methods defined in DTF 5 PPA BULLETIN BOARD and for the amount indicated therein.

The bank details of the account, to which the bank transfer must be performed, are:
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN IT30A0569603211000012773X70

Please note, the reason for payment shall mention the following heading:
“deposito cauzionale infruttifero con facoltà per il GME di poterne disporre” .

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