GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Environment - Energy Efficiency Certificates (TEE)



The Rules of the Energy Efficiency Certificates Market provide, in Article 24, paragraph 24.3, that "The trading sessions take place at least once a month, starting from the date published on GME's Web site", and in the following paragraph 24.4, that "The days and times of the market trading sessions are published on GME's Web site".

GME therefore decides to organize the market sessions on the following dates:

December 2023: 5 - 12 - 19
January 2024: 9 - 30
February 2024: 13 - 27
March 2024: 12 - 26

from 9.00 to 12.00.


In order to be enabled to purchase TEEs during a market session, each participant must provide a non-interest-bearing cash deposit which must cover the entire value of the transactions that will be carried out on the market, including VAT, where applicable.
The deposit must be made available on the current account in the name of Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A, n. 000007250X76, at the institution entrusted with the treasury service, Banca Popolare di Sondrio, Società Cooperativa per Azioni, Viale Cesare Pavese, 336 - 00144 - Roma, ABI 05696, CAB 03211, IBAN IT03 S056 9603 2110 0000 7250 X76, CODICE SWIFT POSOIT22, by 12.00 on the working day prior to the opening of the trading session.

Guide to the TEE market 

Constant monitoring of the markets

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