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AEEG’s communiqué: Obligation to report purchases and sales of forward contracts to GME

Clarifications and deferral of the time limits for reporting contracts under Article 8, para. 4 of AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 115/08, as subsequently amended and supplemented by AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 60/09 (hereafter: “TIMM”)

12 February 2010
Article 8, para. 4 of AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 115/08, as subsequently amended and supplemented by AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 60/09 (hereafter: “TIMM”)
With regard to compliance with the obligations referred to in art. 8, para. 4 of TIMM, we provide you with the following information.
Contracts not be reported to GME
Market Participants that are defined as “rilevanti” (relevant) shall not report data about the volumes of electricity for which virtual import is requested under art. 3 of AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 179/09 of 20 November 2009. Therefore, the “relevant” Market Participants shall not report - through the External Data Platform (PDE) - data about the volumes of electricity which, under art. 4 of AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 179/09, shippers are held to make available - on the Forward Electricity Account Trading Platform (PCE) - to the parties specified by Terna, and shall not report data about the corresponding volumes that the same parties have made available abroad to the shippers. Terna shall report these data to AEEG under appropriate procedures.
Contracts to be reported to GME
Market Participants that are defined as “relevant” and that qualify as dispatching users in injection mode in respect of plants owned by a third party - acting in their own name but on behalf of the third party under an agency contract - shall report - through the PDE - their forward contracts concerning injections by such plants, as contracts under which the seller shall receive fees based on the value of electricity in the electricity market. In other terms, such contracts shall be loaded into the PDE by specifying the value 1 in the “indicizzato” (indexed) field and the following wordings in the “indicizzazione” (indexing) field: “contrattto di agenzia” (agency contract) - “indicizzazione a PUN o prezzo zonale” (indexing to National Single Price - PUN - or to zonal price). The derogation from the general principle, under which the contracts establishing that the seller shall receive fees based on the value of electricity in the electricity market shall not be reported to GME, is aimed at identifying the contracts for which the “relevant” Market Participants merely provide a service of scheduling of injections by the above plants.
Time limit for reporting the contracts to GME
The time limit for reporting the contracts made before 1 December 2009 and referring also to periods after 31 December 2009 is confirmed to be 15 February 2010.

The time limit for reporting the contracts made before 1 December 2009 and referring only to the periods from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009 shall be deferred to 31 March 2010.
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