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Compliance with the obligations specified in AEEG’s Decision 66/2012/R/eel

With regard to the requirements of art. 8, para. 8.6 of AEEG’s Decision ARG/elt 115/08 (hereafter: TIMM), AEEG’s Decision 66/2012/R/eel provides for the transfer to the dispatching user of the obligation (initially falling on authorised market participants) to notify GME of the shares of available hourly capacity of each unit, in respect of which the same user has specifically authorised market participants to bid in the day-ahead market, asking GME to notify market participants of the procedure used for notifying the data.
In this connection, with a view to ensuring the correct implementation and management of the preliminary technical, administrative and operational steps for market participants’ compliance with the obligation, GME informed AEEG of the need for partially changing the time limits specified in the same Decision. In particular:
1)        dispatching users should report the data referred to in art. 8, para. 8.6 of the TIMM from 2 May 2012 on;
2)        market participants, previously subject to the obligation, should continue to notify GME of the shares of available hourly capacity of each unit in respect of which they have been authorised to bid in the day-ahead market until 1 May 2012;
3)        from 2 May 2012 to 11 May 2012 at the latest, dispatching users should also notify GME of the shares per authorised market participant of the available hourly capacity of each unit, in respect of which they have granted authorisations to bid in the day-ahead market, in respect of the applicable periods comprised between 1 January 2011 to 1 May 2012.
To enable dispatching users to comply with the obligation arising from the above-mentioned Decision, GME will provide them with access to the External Data Platform (PDE) from 2 May 2012 on.
The PDE will be accessible via secure connection to To get their credentials (username and password) for access to the PDE, dispatching users must submit an application for registration with the PDE to GME, as indicated below:
.         fill in the form “Richiesta abilitazione Utenti PDE” (application for PDE user authorisation) posted on GME’s website at;
·         send all the documents, digitally signed by the legal representative of each company, by certified e-mail to
In the period from 2 April 2012 to 30 April 2012, GME will allow dispatching users subject to the obligation to register with the PDE and it will conduct tests with the same users so that they may adequately familiarise with the features of the PDE. In this stage, the PDE may be accessed at  by entering the same credentials (username and password) as those assigned after sending the above application.
The data on the shares of capacity will be entered into appropriate XML files (in the formats described in the “PDEImplementationGuide.pdf”, available on GME’s website and on the PDE home page) to be uploaded to the PDE in time for the start of the tests. The files must  contain the following data:
Ø Date: in yyyymmdd format;
Ø Time: in hh format;
Ø Unit: identified by the unit code assigned by Terna;
Ø Authorised participant’s code: identified by the ETSO code;
Ø Share of available capacity: value ranging from 0 to 1.
Upon receipt of the files, the PDE will check whether:
  • the sender is adequately identified by username and password;
  • the file has been received by 10:00 of the day of close of the market session to which the share of capacity refers. Notifications after the above time limit will be accepted, provided that they are received within one week and marked as late;
  • the sender is the dispatching user of the units to which the file refers;
  • the fields have been completed in the required formats;
  • for each unit, date and time, the sum of the authorized participants’ shares of capacity is equal to 1.
If one or more of the above requirements is not met, the PDE will reject the received data and generate an appropriate message (FA).
In preparing the XML files, dispatching users must take into account that:
1.    the PDE will overwrite any data duly received within the above time limit with data, if any, already received by the same participant for the same hours and the same units;
2.    the XML files must specify all the authorised participants, including the dispatching user, even if their share for that particular date/time/unit combination is zero.
Failing a valid notification for the day under review, GME will calculate the shares of capacity per participant under the procedure specified in art. 8.6 of the TIMM: “Failing such notification, GME will consider the latest notification received as valid for calculating the monitoring indexes covered by this Decision. Failing the latter notification, GME will consider the notification made by the same dispatching user under art. 18, para. 18.3 b) of AEEG’s Decision 111/06 as valid for calculating the monitoring indexed covered by this Decision.
For clarifications, contact:
-, tel. +39-06-8012-4103
-, tel. +39-06-8012-4158
-, tel. +39-06-8012-4164

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