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Amendments to the Rules of the ELECTRICITY MARKET, of the NATURAL GAS MARKET, and to the Regulations of the PLATFORM FOR THE TRADING OF BIDS/OFFERS OF NATURAL GAS under Regulation (EU) 2024/1106 on Data Reporting – Communication of the upcoming launch of a dedicated platform

As known, on the 11th of April 2024, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Regulation (EU) 2024/1106 “amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 as regards improving the Union’s protection against market manipulation on the wholesale energy market” (hereafter: REMIT Regulation).

In particular, with regard to the Data Reporting activity, the REMIT Regulation has redistributed tasks and responsibilities among the parties involved in the process, by reducing the reporting obligations pertaining to market participants and extending those pertaining to Organised Marketplaces (hereafter: OMPs), among which GME is included.

In this regard, under article 8, 1a. (a) of the REMIT Regulation, GME, in its capacity as OMP, is required to carry out Data Reporting to ACER for all participants in the markets that it manages and that falls within the scope of the REMIT Regulation (currently MPE, MTE, MP-GAS, MT-GAS, and P-GAS, hereafter: REMIT Markets).

To fulfil these new regulatory requirements, GME will amend its Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Rules), Natural Gas Market Rules (M-GAS Rules), and Regulations of the Platform for the Trading of Bids/Offers of Natural Gas (P-GAS Regulations), by providing that GME shall, on behalf of each Market Participant, report to ACER the records of the operations carried out on the wholesale energy market, including orders to trade, that are entered into, concluded or executed on REMIT Markets.

To transmit the relevant data to ACER, GME will make available a dedicated digital platform, called Organised Market Place Reporting (OMPR), on which it will apply fees in line with those currently applicable for its Data Reporting service. The Platform will also enable authorised market participants to access their own data that GME has transmitted to ACER in compliance with its data reporting obligations, and to access and download the digital return receipts of the records that GME has sent.

To allow a reasonable period for market participants to adapt their internal operational processes for data reporting and fulfil any other additional requirements, the above-mentioned amendments to the regulatory texts will be effective on October 1, 2024.

In this regard, GME informs that all REMIT market participants, who/which, as of July 24, 2024,

  1. have signed the Contract for the Data Reporting Service on the Data Reporting Platform (PDR), may access the OMPR Platform under the procedures indicated below. However, they will be required to verify the accuracy of their ACER code on the Platform. They will also be able, at any time, to change the personal details of the persons authorised to access the information system on their behalf (or add other names) by submitting an appropriate application to GME;
  2. have not signed the Contract for the Data Reporting Service on the PDR, will have to notify GME, under the procedures indicated below, of their ACER code and of the names of persons authorised to access the OMPR Platform on their behalf by September 30, 2024 at the latest. Should a REMIT market participant fail to notify his/her/its ACER code within the above-mentioned time limit, he/she/it will not be allowed to continue to submit orders into the REMIT Markets.


To ensure a smooth start of Data Reporting activities on the new OMPR Platform, market participants are required to comply with the following procedures and deadlines:

  1. From July 24, 2024, all markets participants already registered with the Data Reporting services currently offered by GME through the PDR may access the new OMPR Platform at by entering their Master User credentials active on the PDR.

    Upon their first access, market participants must:

    1. change their passwords, as mandatorily requested by the OMPR Platform;
    2. check the accuracy of their ACER codes present on the Platform.

    Should market participants identify incorrect data and information on the Platform, they will have to communicate to GME the modification of their ACER codes, or to require a variation of their OMPR contact persons for communications purposes with GME and/or their users of the Platform, by using the paper form available on the same Platform.

    This form, duly signed by the legal representative, must be sent to GME’s certified e-mail address or (for foreign market participants that do not have a certified e-mail account) to GME’s e-mail address

    The Master User credentials that are currently used on the PDR may continue to be used on the PDR.

  1. From July 24th to September 30th 2024, for all REMIT market participants who/which, as of July 23th 2024, are not already registered , with the Data Reporting services offered by GME on the PDR, GME will make available an online form at to be completed by each market participant with the following data and information:

    1. his/her/its ACER code;
    2. his/her/its OMPR contact persons for communications purposes with GME;
    3. his/her/its users (with a maximum of 3 users), who may access the OMPR Platform and view the relevant data.

    After completion of the online form, the system will generate another form to be duly signed by the legal representative and sent to GME’s certified e-mail address or (only for foreign market participants that do not have a certified e-mail account) to GME’s e-mail address

    After receiving the latter form from the market participant, GME will check the data contained therein, authorising the designated users, and providing them (via e-mail) with the credentials of access to the OMPR Platform.


To complement the above, GME points out that, from October 1st 2024, the OMPR Platform will start carrying out the Data Reporting service for all authorised market participants.

As regards the changes made to the services offered through the PDR in connection with the start of the Data Reporting service through the OMPR Platform, please refer to the relevant communication of July 8th 2024.


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