
Notices and Announcements

Electric Market

Notices and Announcements Electicity Markets


Launch of the Local Flexibility Market: first forward auction – initial demand by ARETI awarded and exceeded

The first forward auction of the Local Flexibility Market has been held today. The auction has taken place as part of the Romeflex pilot project, approved by ARERA and involving Areti SpA as DSO and GME SpA as energy market operator.

In the auction that has just ended, Areti has demanded flexibility resources for the February-April 2024 period; 3 MW of available resources have been procured, thus completely satisfying the initial demand by Areti and exceeding it by 50%.

Eleven Balance Service Providers of Rome’s power distribution grid have participated in the auction, expressing their willingness to provide the Areti DSO with their flexibility resources, thus actively contributing to the energy transition process.

The results of the auction are available at (/Home/Results/Electricity/MLF/MLT-Flex/PreliminaryMLF)

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