GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access

Electricity Market



Subjects meeting the requirements mentioned in the Integrated Text of the Electricity Market Rules (ME Regulations) may request admission to the market by submitting the documentation referred in ME Technical Rules N. 06, according to the methods provided for therein. 

With the admission provision, the applicant is recognized as operator. 





Trayport® Global Vision

Electricity market participants (ME) can also trade on the Futures Electricity Market (MTE) by connecting to the Trayport® Global Vision portal. 
Each ME participant can obtain access to the MTE through the Trayport® Global Vision portal for their?users?that are already enabled and registered on the related platform, in accordance with the provisions of the?Technical Rules 02
The request for activation and deactivation?must be made using the appropriate forms?REQUEST FOR ACTIVATION?-?DEACTIVATION?TO THE? GLOBAL VISION PORTAL (insert link), signed by the legal representative of the operator.  
For all details related to the methods of submitting offers via the Trayport® Global Vision portal, please refer to the documentation provided on portal, available only for registered users. 



Constant monitoring of the markets

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Smartphone showing the GME Electricity Markets page on the display