GME-Accesso ai Mercati

Market Access




Participation in the Platform for the management of gas release allocation procedures (Gas Release Platform – PGR) is open to all parties that are proficient and competent in the use of ICT systems and related security systems or that rely on employees or assistants meeting the above requirements.

To participate in the PGR, applicants must submit to GME:

1. a Participation Application (in the format enclosed to the Rules governing the platform for the management of gas release allocation procedures - PGR Rules), accompanied by a copy of a valid personal identity document of the signatory of the application; if the applicant is a legal person, the participation application must be accompanied by a declaration certifying his/her powers of representation;


2. a Participation Agreement (in the format enclosed to the PGR Rules), initialled on each page and signed by the applicant (or by the legal representative of the applying organisation or other duly authorised person, if the applicant is a legal person); in the agreement, the contracting party must declare that he/she has read and understood the PGR Rules and that he/she accepts to comply therewith unconditionally and without any reservation.


With regard to the preparation of the documents required for admission to the PGR, Technical Rule no. 01 PGR provides that, if the applicant is a legal person, then the party applying for admission to the PGR must access the following link:

“Apply for admission to the PGR”

and fill in all the fields of the online form.

Upon admission, applicants acquire the status of Participants. Participants are entered into an appropriate List of PGR Participants that is held by GME in accordance with the applicable legislation on personal data privacy.

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