

Green Certificates

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Access to the Green Certificates Market Information System and Submission of Orders

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Dates and times of the trading sessions of the Green Certificates Market. (<i >This Technical Rule repeals and replaces all the previous ones concerning dates and times of the trading sessions of the Green Certificates Market which took place in the past. The dates can be consulted on GME website - section: Green Certificates/How to operate</i >)

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01 rev1
Access to the Green Certificates Market Information System and Submission of Orders

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Notification of the amount of the initial interest-bearing deposit

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Access to the Green Certificates Market Information System and Submission of Orders

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02 rev1
Notification of the amount of the initial interest-bearing deposit

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02 rev1
Access to the Green Certificates Market Information System and Submission of Orders

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Value of Green Certificates admitted to trading

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Notification of the Amount of the Cash Deposit and ofthe Conventional Price

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Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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Value of Green Certificates Admitted to Trading

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04 rev1
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev1
Value of Green Certificates Admitted to Trading

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04 rev2
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev3
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev4
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev5
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev6
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev7
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev8
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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04 rev9
Invoicing of payables/receivables and settlement of payments in the MCV

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Notifications about the procedure of admission to/exclusion from the market

Constant monitoring of the markets

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