
Monitoring and REMIT


The activity of monitoring of the Electricity Market at national level is currently governed by ARERA’s Decision ARG/elt 115/08 (Integrated text concerning the monitoring of the wholesale electricity market and of the ancillary services market – so called TIMM).

The TIMM entrusts GME with multiple activities that enable ARERA to fulfil its role of monitoring of the Electricity Market (article 2.1). These activities include:

  • collecting, organising and storing data ;
  • designing, implementing, maintaining, and developing a special data warehouse ;
  • creating and computing indexes regarding the structure and the results of the market, as well as the conduct of individual participants ;
  • issuing a weekly monitoring report, reporting data or abnormal situations, and carrying out ad-hoc analyses in support of ARERA’s investigations ;
  • gathering the following data from participants: data on electricity derivatives that they trade and shares of available capacity of their electricity generating units .


To collect the data referred to in articles and of the TIMM, GME created a special External Data Platform (PDE) with which participants may register in order to upload their data.


Key information on how to operate on the PDE platform is available at the following links:

- How to operate

For further information, please write to


Constant monitoring of the markets

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