
Monitoring and REMIT


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Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A. shall define the structure and extent of the fees for the services offered by GME under the PDR Platform by November 15 each year with effect from 1st January of the following year. This information is posted on the GME’s website.

The table below shows the extent of the fees starting from 1st January 2024 and valid until 31 December 2024 and the fee for 2023.

Structure and measure of the fees for the services provided by GME
No GME/other Download of data report in ACER format 500 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable) 500 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable)
GME Data Reporting (GME data only) 1.000 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable) 1.000 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable)
GME Data Reporting (GME data + Upload of external datai) 1.000 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable) 1.000 €/year (plus VAT, if applicable)

* The services refer, at the choice of the participant at the time of contract, to orders and transactions.

These fees are not cumulative with each other, regardless of the type/amount of services selected.

The value of the fee applied is independent of the number of markets where the transactions subject to reporting are performed (for example, by activating the Data Reporting on the MPE, MTE, and M-GAS, GME will charge the participant a fee only, which currently stands at € 1,000/year plus VAT, if applicable).

In the case of activation of the download service for some markets and the Data Reporting service for others, GME will charge the participant a fee equal to the greater of the fees for individual services selected by the participant (for example, by activating the Data Reporting on the MPE and MTE and the download service on the M-GAS, GME will invoice the participant a single fee, which currently stands at 1,000 €/year plus VAT, if applicable).



Based on the provisions of article 32 of Regulation (EU) no. 2019/942, the European Commission (EC) determines the amount and the relative payment methods of the fees that must be paid to ACER, among others, to cover the costs incurred by ACER itself for the activities related to the collection, treatment, processing and analysis of the data and information transmitted, pursuant to article 8 of the REMIT Regulation, by market participants or by the subjects who perform the afore-mentioned communication on their behalf.
Pending the adoption of the definitive Decision (EC) 2020/2152 of the EC of 17 December 2020, published in the Official Journal of the European Union of 18 December 2020, each RRM, as a subject authorized to offer the Data Reporting service to market participants, must pay ACER an yearly fee, divided into:

  • a fixed component ("enrollment fee"): equal to 9 thousand euro;
  • a variable component ("records-based fee"): dependent on the number of records sent to ACER in the previous year as well as on their complexity. Calculation of this fee will be made on the basis of two different data clusters:
    • data cluster 1, which includes all the transactions referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, letter a), of the execution regulation (EU) no. 1348/2014 carried out by each participant using a specific Organized Market Place (OMP) and all the operations referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, letter b), of the execution regulation (EU) no. 1348/2014 relating to each participant;
    • data cluster 2, which includes all the operations referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) performed by each operator outside of an OMP.

The amount of the records based fee - defined per year on the basis of the transaction records sent to ACER in the previous year - is adjusted, up or down, by an amount equal to the difference between the latter and the records based fee as determined on the basis of the transaction records actually sent to ACER in the current year.

With reference to the afore-mentioned variable component, the amount to be paid is calculated on the basis of the brackets identified in the following tables:

Number of transactions per RRM and per participant with reference to data cluster 1 Annual fee (euro)*
from 1 to 1.000 250
from 1.001 to 10.000 500
from 10.001 to 100.000 1000
from 100.001 to 1.000.000 2.000
from 1.000.001 to 10.000.000 4.000
from 10.000.001 to 100.000.000 8.000
over 100.000.000 16.000
Number of transactions per RRM and per participant with reference to data cluster 2 Annual fee (euro)*
from 1 to 100 250
from 101 to 1.000 500
from 1.001 to 10.000 1000
from 10.001 to 100.000 2.000
from 100.001 to 1.000.000 4.000
from 1.000.001 to 10.000.000 8.000
over 10.000.000 16.000


For the purpose of defining the fee that market participants pay to GME, to cover what GME as RRM must pay to ACER:

    • the enrollment fee is divided equally among all PDR participants who use the Data Reporting service or the Data Reporting service with external data upload; each of the afore-mentioned participants will therefore be charged an amount equal to 28.48 euro/year plus VAT, where applicable;
    • the records-based fee is quantified individually for each of the afore-mentioned PDR participants on the basis of the above criteria identified by the EC and charged to them together with the amount of VAT, where applicable.



The payment of the fees is made by Participants through SEPA Credit Transfer with Priority or equivalent procedures to GME within thirty calendar days from the date of issue of the invoice for the fixed annual fee and with payee value date on the same day.

The payment of the fees must be made to the following bank account in the name of GME:

Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN IT58 E056 9603 2110 0000 7210 X36





GME issues an invoice to each Participant related to the fixed annual fee and to the portion of the ACER fee, by the third working day of the month following the effective date of the PDR contract, and subsequently every twelve months.

The exchange of invoices between GME and the participants takes place through the provision on the "SetService" IT platform. Under the conditions set forth by the legislation in force from time to time on electronic invoicing and of the related implementing provisions, the invoices are transmitted by the GME to the participants through the Exchange System (SDI).



The fees invoiced by GME for PDR services are qualified as general services and their VAT chargeability depends on the place where the customer has established his/her/its business.

Therefore, GME shall issue an invoice with VAT at the standard rate, if the customer has established his/her/its business in Italy. If the customer declares a status of "esportatore abituale" (exporter on a permanent basis) by submitting a Statement (the so-called "dichiarazione d’intento"), GME shall issue an invoice without VAT.
GME, on the other hand, issues an invoice without VAT when the customer is a taxable EU participant in its own Country. In this case, it is the participant that applies the reverse charge.

In case of a non-EU participant, GME issues an invoice without VAT.

Participants, based in Italy for which the VAT payment system called "split payment" applied, are required to submit to GME a specific self-certification made pursuant to Article 47 of the Presidential Decree 445 of 28/12/00 certifying its status.

An example of a declaration for the status of participant subject to split payment can be found here.

The list and description of codes used by GME for invoicing fees are available here.


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